A community where children flourish.

At River Valley School, we don’t just educate students; we cultivate a vibrant community where collaboration, connection, and engagement are paramount. Joining the River Valley School family means becoming part of a close-knit network of students, parents, faculty, and staff who are deeply committed to each other’s success and well-being.

Our Faculty and Parent Network plays a central role in fostering this sense of belonging and support. Our student government also serves as a pivotal platform for fostering student leadership and advocacy. Elected representatives from each homeroom diligently voice their opinions, ensuring that every student’s perspective is not only heard but also highly regarded in shaping the school’s community and initiatives.

As proud community partners, River Valley School recognizes its responsibility to give back and make a positive impact. Through collaboration with local organizations and charities, we leverage our resources and expertise to support our community. We believe that by instilling a sense of social responsibility and citizenship in our students, we empower them to become compassionate, empathetic, and engaged members of society.