Arrowsmith Program

At River Valley School

The Arrowsmith Program is an optional program within River Valley School that is geared specifically towards our Grade 1-6 students with identified learning disabilities and/or learning challenges.

Our Arrowsmith certified teachers utilize on the science of neuroplasticity to retrain the brain and give students the tools they need to succeed in the classroom and in life. River Valley School is the only school in Alberta that offers the Arrowsmith Program. Students can participate in this program on a full-time, part-time, after-school or through various customizable schedules!

Curious if this program is right for your child? Contact and we’d be happy to provide more information on this specialized program!

Barbara Arrowsmith-Young is the Creator and Director of Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Program. Arrowsmith-Young is recognized as the creator of one of the first practical applications of the principles of neuroplasticity to the treatment of learning disorders. (learn more)

Discover why your child struggles at school – Take the ‘Arrowsmith’s Cognitive Questionnaire’

Is the Arrowsmith Program suitable for your child?

Students entering the Arrowsmith Program typically experience a range of challenges including:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Mathematics
  • Comprehension
  • Logical reasoning
  • Visual memory
  • Auditory memory
  • Dyslexia
  • Auditory processing
  • Attention

The typical student for River Valley School’s Arrowsmith Program:

  • Is of average or above average intelligence.
  • Has one or more of the learning difficulties that are described.
  • Does not have severe intellectual, cognitive, emotional or behavioural disorders that would significantly affect his or her ability to participate in the Arrowsmith Program.
  • Does not have acquired brain injury or an autism spectrum disorder.

Please note these are general guidelines only. There is no hard and fast rule and we will consider a child’s appropriateness for our program in consultation with the student’s parents.