At-Home Arrowsmith Program
This unique program will now be available to any student in Alberta, age 7 and up.
With over 40 years of experience, the Arrowsmith Program harnesses the power of neuroplasticity to strengthen areas of the brain that underlie learning difficulties in:
memory, reasoning, attention, problem-solving, comprehension, written expression and understanding social relations.
Learning disabilities don’t have to be permanent! Instead of working around a student’s challenges, the Arrowsmith program uses proven methods to get to the root of them – resulting in effective, confident and self-directed learners for life!

The At-Home Arrowsmith Program works to strengthen these cognitive functions:
Motor Symbol Sequencing
The ability to learn and produce a written sequence of symbols.
Symbol Relations
The ability to understand the relationships among two or more ideas or concepts
Memory for Information and Instructions
The ability to remember chunks of auditory information.
Predictive Speech
The ability to learn and produce a written sequence of symbols!
Broca's Speech Pronunciation
The ability to learn to pronounce syllables and then integrate them into the stable and consistent pronunciation of a word.
Symbolic Thinking
The ability to develop and maintain plans strategies through the use of language.
Symbol Recognition
The ability to visually recognize and remember a word of symbol.
Lexical Memory
The ability to remember several unrelated words.
Non-verbal thinking
The ability to register and interpret non-verbal information and plan and problem solve non-verbally.
Quantification Sense
The ability to carry out internal sequential mental operations, such as mental mathematics.
What is the Arrowsmith Program?
The premise of the Arrowsmith Program is that the weaker cognitive areas that contribute to learning difficulties can be strengthened through cognitive exercises and once the source of the learning difficulty is addressed, the learner’s ability to perform complex tasks will also be improved.
Each student in the Arrowsmith Program has his or her specific schedule of tasks and exercises to be completed during the course of a day in the program. The exercises for each student differ depending upon the student’s identified learning profile. These include written, visual, auditory and computer exercises. Students are also assessed at the end of each year to evaluate progress and the student’s program is modified as needed. Contact us at to learn more!
Enrollment Process
We want to hear from you! We ask that interested families complete the inquiry form below as the first step in the enrollment process.
You can also reach us at (403) 246-2275
Once you have completed the inquiry form, a member of our Admissions team will reach out in 1-2 business days. A one-on-one virtual meeting or phone call will be arranged so that we may learn a little more about the student’s needs and learning goals, as well as discuss the program in more detail (schedule and cost options).
Once families have confirmed they would like to proceed, our Admissions team will arrange a date and time for the student to complete the Arrowsmith Assessment with one of our Arrowsmith Teachers. This Assessment will take about 1 to 2 days to complete and can be done in-person or virtually.
Following the assessment, our Arrowsmith Teacher will have an opportunity to meet with families to review the results in the form of an ‘Initial Learning Profile’. This Learning Profile describes a student’s cognitive profile as a list of strengths and difficulties. Program schedule options (Full Time or Part Time) will be discussed at this stage.
Based on the recommendations from the Post-Assessment meeting, the student will begin their journey to strengthening their brain and enhancing their learning capacities!
Arrowsmith Assessment
As outlined above, as a part of the enrolment process, students will participate in an Arrowsmith in-take assessment which measures the functioning of the 19 different cognitive functions that the Arrowsmith Program can address. This assessment takes approximately 1-2 days to complete, and results are prepared within 3-5 days.
A post-assessment meeting will then be arranged between the student’s parents and our Arrowsmith teachers to review the results of the assessment, which are outlined in an initial learning profile. This report is used to identify the student’s unique and specific combination of strengths and weaknesses and to determine an appropriate program plan.
The Arrowsmith Assessment and/or post-assessment meeting can be done either virtually or in-person.

to learn more about At-Home Arrowsmith fees for the 2021/22 school year.
Schedule Options
Based on the program recommendations in the initial learning profile, families can choose from various flexible full-time and part-time schedule options.
This program is not intended to replace a student’s school environment but rather to address the root causes that hold them back from reaching their full learning potential. The at-home delivery model allows students to take part in their regular in-school or home-school program while accessing the Arrowsmith Program on a full-time or part-time basis.
This program runs:
- September to June
- Monday to Friday
- During the hours of 9 AM – 12 PM and 1 PM to 5 PM.
At-Home Full Time Program
At-Home Full Time Program
This option is designed for participants with learning disabilities who would like to work on 4 or more cognitive functions. This intensive program results in the most significant improvements in multiple challenge areas.
Full Time (4+ Cognitive Functions – Approx. 16 hrs./week)
At-Home Part Time Program
At-Home Part Time Program
This option is designed for participants with learning disabilities who would like to work on 1-3 cognitive functions.
Three Quarter Time (3 Cognitive Functions – Approx. 12 hrs./week)
Half Time (2 Cognitive Functions – Approx. 8 hrs./week)
Quarter Time (1 Cognitive Function – Approx. 4 hrs./week)